Sunday, June 04, 2006

Learn to swim - Day 2

Today we were a bit late, furthermore, I accidentally missed the entrance of the center, so have to do 2 U turns to get to the place. Arrived at the diving center around 210pm, Mr. Lim was already there waiting.

We parked the car and went meet up with him, as usual, we head into the center to change. This time, there were already 3 scuba divers, 2 were the trainees, probably preparing to start their lesson. Me and Kong went together in a fitting room to change, then we took out the sunblock we bought yesterday in Watson at Leisure Mall. It's not that I scare to get dark, but the killing sun is really unbearable, you probably won't feel anything while in the water, but when you get out, and the time after, you will start to get burning feeling from your skin, sometimes even pain. So applying sunblock is a must under this burning sun! Then we took a little water shower, did some warm up, and straight to the pool.

"Splash!" All of us jumped into the pool. The water was warm, great! With no delay, I quickly tried to get myself ready, by submerging into the water! Of course, the first time you will sure breath in water and drink some. This is what I meant by get ready, to get usual of the painfulness first! Hahaha!

Then Mr. Lim approached me, wow, I'm the first one this time? He asked me to do the floating again, oh man, I was still not yet ready! No choice, just had to force myself now... Float... gooloo.. gooloo... dang! Again,
gooloo.. gooloo... great... The 3rd time, I finally can hold on a bit, and float while splashing the water. I think Mr. Lim also noticed I had problem to do it straight like that, so he led me to the staircase, and asked me to practice floating and flapping my legs there. Phew~ Now I can relax a bit and do it step by step.

Ya, I know I'm a slow learner, and not even a regular sportman, but I believe determination is everything! So I started to practice there, 1 time... 2 times... 3 times..., and counting, until I almost out of breathe, wow, now I finally realize how swimming can build up your stamina! With only splashing water with my legs, I already felt tired and out of breathe! Probably I was doing it too frequent, so I just slowly catch my breathe first before the next go, into the water and flap.

Mr. Lim finally had done teaching both Kong and Chean for the moment, and came back to me. I was told to swim across the swallow pool, this should be OK, and I did a few rounds just as he asked. Then he told me to swing my hand and try to use both hands and legs, the beginning of free style swimming. Whenever I tried to swing my hands, I lost control of my legs, hahaha! I had a weak hands legs co-ordination! "Try to raise your hand like riding a bicycle!" Mr. Lim instructed, eerrr... Huh? Frankly, most of the time I can't really interprete what he wants me to do, probably I was still felt overwhelmed by the water, trying to adjust myself to it... But not that sporting genie Chean, he can catch up very fast and knew what to do from Mr. Lim's words. I am kinda like a pictorial message receiver guy, I prefer demonstrations than words, hahaha!

After a few tries, and so was Kong, Mr. Lim probably felt that we were still quite stiff and tense, not relax enough. So he pointed at me and told me to relax and tried sleep on the water, where his hand holding my head. Gosh, I did what he told, and slowly flap my legs, with relax body, due to the sun was directly shinning from above, I just closed my eyes, and flapped myself away. "Hold on on the wall" Mr. Lim told me. Eerr.. where am I? When I opened my eyes and checked around, WTF?! He led me swim across the 8 feet area!! I almost stunned at this point! What he was trying to tell us, if we calm and relax our body, we can actually float naturally and swim like that...

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