Friday, October 02, 2009

China National Day present!

Jojo's brother got a really neat dinner present in this festive season of China.

A dead cockroach in the bread!

Now that looks like a raisin to me!

It was purchased from a store near Nanjing University.

A closer look, that's a pretty nasty cockroach!

Quoted from him "When I was cutting my bread half, suddenly I found something INTERESTING in it.. Guess what it is.. Iz COCKROACH..."

Poor guy, there goes his dinner.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

DO NOT Kart Racing with your iphone!

DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT go Kart Racing with your iphone! Otherwise, it might end up like this:

This is how Simpson's iphone looks like after came back from a karting session

You have been warned.