Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Just came back from lunch, and my stomach is not only filled with food, but also fire!

Before we went out office, some of us was discussing what and where to eat, and I suggested bakuteh, don't know why but just suddenly thought of this, probably the tasty soup and meat. Do understand that the restaurant is not near our office, it's one of the collegue's parents store, and we will need to drive there. For this kind of lunch planning, we will need at least 1 1/2 hours, which way over our 1 hour lunch time. Some of them seemed interested, and we decided to go earlier for lunch since the boss just left for lunch too.

I was preparing to drive and slowly walked to my car which is quite far down a slope from our office. But 1 car is not enough for around 10 persons right? Soon after I walked a while, notice there's no second driver coming, I walked back to check who's gonna drive, other than me. Then suddenly this fuss going around, talking about the bosses are here, not too good to spend such long hour lunch time, yadda yadda... Hhmm... a sudden change huh, so I asked aren't we already
decided to go there? Well, as usual, silence. Great, no need to ask second time, nobody dare to say anything coz probably most of them afraid to bear the blame if we were to blame for long lunch hour. I dunno.

OK, fine, then lets decide where to eat now. And again, silence. Sorry to say that, I'm not a very good temper human being, and this really hit my button! Fuck! I had enough of this, everytime we are to stand there and decide where to eat, and I will be repeatedly asking again and again, I feel like a moron. What ya all afraid to suggest? Aren't we adult enough to speak out for open discussion?

So from now on, I have decided to just go for lunch with 1 or 2 colleagues. More doesn't always means better, and I realized it again.

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