Sunday, April 23, 2006

I give up!

OK OK, I have finally given up! Was trying to change my blog address and username to those I preferred, but ended up getting all not available! After few hours of head cracking and server bombarding (coz I kept on submitting requests of all kinds to verify), I felt really fed up and shoot it with my name, and voila, it's available, fuck it! I am done with this! Waste of life indeed!

Originally was using Index Out Of Bounds as blog name and address as well, but found out there's already a blog with the similiar name, nah, I don't wanna confuse people with it, so I just changed to others instead.

But here's what I wrote for my previous description of the blog, I think worth a thought or two, so I will just post it here again:

Index Out Of Bounds

IndexOutOfBoundsException - Thrown to indicate that an index of some sort (such as to an array, to a string, or to a vector) is out of range.

How good if life can be always Index Out Of Bounds, where we are not tide to the boundaries of our limitations, for being poor, weak and every ways that we dislike.

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